Ludi Leiva is Supermaker's Director of Content as well as a writer, editor, and illustrator.
The Startup Fighting To Eliminate LGBTQIA+ Health Disparities
This Startup Delivers Curated Personal Hygiene Products to Your Workplace
The Virtual Communities Supporting Freelancers' Mental Health
The Snack Brand Bringing Peace of Mind to People With Dietary Restrictions
Startup Diaries: The Clean Skincare Company Centered on Skin Conditions
Growing the Startup That Keeps Your Intimate Areas Pain-Free
Is WFH Hurting Your Mental Health? How Remote Workers Cope With Loneliness
Going With The Flow: From Thrift Store Worker to Beauty Brand Founder
Pressure and Isolation: Addressing Mental Health Crises for Founders
The B2B Marketplace Saving Over 10 Million pounds of Flawed Produce
Building Inclusive Social & Wellness Clubs for People of Color
Lodged Out: Soulful, Unplugged Retreats for Entrepreneurs and Creatives
Invisible Dollars: Salary Transparency's Impact on Your Pay Rate
What You Should Know Before Going Into Business with Your Significant Other