The advantages and challenges of in-house manufacturing
From Making to Manufacturing
Should consumer product startups manufacture in-house or partner with a copacker?
Actionable advice on how to prioritize and take on important steps in the growth of your business.
The advantages and challenges of in-house manufacturing
Should consumer product startups manufacture in-house or partner with a copacker?
Words that turn heads
When it comes to selling online, one thing is extremely important across the board: product descriptions.
First things first
Your About Us Page is where readers get their first introduction to your company culture, core values, and the people running your business.
Protect ya neck
For those choosing to build out a brand or business right now, utilizing lawyers in the early stages might be a really good idea. Here’s how they can help.
Overcoming obstacles to entering management
For every 100 men hired and promoted to management, 72 women—and only 68 Latinas and 58 Black women—are promoted and hired.
On bouncing back
Ask yourself: What’s the story I want to tell about my business at the end of this?
Do what you love, impact an industry
Consumer goods startups have been in the headlines for failing the expectations of shareholders and customers. Turns out makers are the antidote for recent threats to the space.
Is imposter syndrome getting in the way of your income potential?
Turning limiting financial beliefs into business lessons learned. Here's how to price your services as a freelancer or contract worker.
Learning on lockdown
“For those of us looking to leverage this time to learn something new, you may want to take a look at the treasure chest of TED talks available online for your learning pleasure.”
The Canadian cannabis expert
"Everything I’ve learned through my career translated very well in launching the company. In terms of transitioning, I was working as a freelancer at the beginning, so I was doing both my freelance job and building Wildflower. When the company started to occupy more of my time, I stopped taking freelance jobs."
It's sink or swim
Weighing the downsides of closing business versus revenue loss, layoffs, insolvency, and coronavirus exposure.
Put yer headphones on and learn
Business podcasts are all the rage. And here are the best ones around. Now isn't that easy?