Queering healthcare
The Startup Fighting To Eliminate LGBTQIA+ Health Disparities
Building out a company that redefines health and wellness for the queer community.
Queering healthcare
Building out a company that redefines health and wellness for the queer community.
Protect ya neck
For those choosing to build out a brand or business right now, utilizing lawyers in the early stages might be a really good idea. Here’s how they can help.
Rocking the vote
This startup founder wants voting to be fun and accessible—for everyone.
Ableism and accessibility
The rise of remote work has disabled workers wondering: where was this flexibility before the crisis?
It's sink or swim
Weighing the downsides of closing business versus revenue loss, layoffs, insolvency, and coronavirus exposure.
Cashing in on COVID
With the economy stuttering, legislation has passed to stimulate recovery and aid small businesses. Will it be enough?
Tired of hustling? Time to play hooky
Behind the launch of Hooky Wellness, self-care's response to hustle culture’s mental and physical downsides.
Giving “crock pot” a whole new meaning
Potli is infusing CBD (and, in some states, THC) into everyday ingredients, making edibles more accessible for your every meal.
Put yer headphones on and learn
Business podcasts are all the rage. And here are the best ones around. Now isn't that easy?
Key insights for emerging and aspiring VCs
Senior Associate Gabby Cazeau on putting her engineering background to use at Harlem Capital, a diversity-oriented fund whose team is comprised of over 90% people of color.
Cannabis, gambling, and sex-tech, oh my
Vice Ventures is investing in taboo industries that other funds won't touch—even if they want to.
Latinx Heritage Month
Latinx-owned businesses are outpacing the post-recession growth rate of all other demographic groups, yet founders still struggle to gain access to capital compared to their white counterparts. How are Latinx entrepreneurs beating the odds?