The care you deserve
Mental Health Issues Are Hard Enough. These Apps Make it Easier For Those in the Margins
We highlight some of the mental health apps and platforms that cater to specific marginalized communities.
The care you deserve
We highlight some of the mental health apps and platforms that cater to specific marginalized communities.
Learning on lockdown
“For those of us looking to leverage this time to learn something new, you may want to take a look at the treasure chest of TED talks available online for your learning pleasure.”
The credit card making waves
It’s an uncertain time and Brex’s corporate card may be the safest option for some businesses.
The green milkman model
The Wally Shop is delivering groceries via a business model built on sustainability and low-impact practices.
Binge-worthy businesswomen
Thanks to COVID-19, we’re all spending a lot more time at home. For most of us, that means a lot more TV, too. So we made a list of the best movies and shows featuring binge-worthy businesswomen that streaming has to offer. Enjoy!
Because you should get high on Black folks' supply
A growing number of social justice-minded business founders, funders, and activists are working to make the green rush a little Blacker from the top down. You can do your part too, supporting racial equity from the bottom up, by buying your CBD and cannabis-adjacent products from Black retailers. Here's a list to get you started.
Supporting small, Black-owned business
A list of ten Black-owned businesses to support not only during February, but all year long.
If you’re looking to upgrade your finance habits, you’re in the right place
With so many budgeting apps floating around, we take a look at nine of our favorites and what special specs they’ve got to offer.
Put yer headphones on and learn
Business podcasts are all the rage. And here are the best ones around. Now isn't that easy?
Making sense of CBD
Our picks for the best products in CBD, packed with fine print to help you choose the ones that are best for you.
We explore our seven favorite apps for reducing anxiety and improving mental health
We already rely on our phones for scheduling, connecting, organizing, so why not also employ them as a tool for reducing anxiety?
Leveling up your organization and productivity
Kick off a new decade with the top apps for time management, tasklists, unified email, calendars, and de-stressing.